body breath heart mind


Saturday 22 February 10-12 Lu Jong Full series at Inner Embassy Den Haag

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Lu Jong Tibetan Yoga – experience the full Series

Saturday 22 February 10-12h  

Inner Embassy - Scheveningse weg 14, Den Haag

Booking link will be published within one week Book here / let me know you re joining: 

Contribution € 27

Workshop Lu Jong Tibetan Yoga – experience the full Series

Lu Jong Tibetan Yoga is a practice for health and happiness.

The essence of Lu Jong - Tibetan Healing Yoga is to release tensions and blockages in your body. This means you reduce your pain-body and you are more connected to your bliss-body.
Through the combination of position, flowing movement and breath, Lu Jong opens the channels in the body, releasing blockages and mobilizing misdirected energy. This leads to the activation of the body's own self-healing powers. The practice greatly encourages physical health, nourishes the whole spine, helping it to be strong & flexible. Lu Jong helps to be energised, grounded and overcome negative emotions - your mind becomes calm and clear.  

Lu Jong is rooted in the knowledge of Tibetan medicine, wisdom of nature from Bön & Tantrayana special wisdom of the subtle body.

Tibetan Medicine & Ayurveda see the balance of the 5 elements as the basis of (physical and mental) health. Here you learn a very effective 5 Elements practice (that you can do in 12-15 minutes per day). Other movement groups are the 5 Body Parts (musculoskeletal focus), 5 Vital Organs & 6 movements with more Specific Benefits e.g. helping the senses, youthfulness, digestion, warmth & happiness.

This is a beautiful opportunity to experience the wisdom & benefits of the full series!


Mariette de Kroon is teacher, educator (Teacher Trainer) and student in the lineage of Buddhist Master Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche. 
