body breath heart mind

Where to start?

Awareness Meditation 

Often we are so zoomed in to our roles, thoughts, sensations that we get into states of contraction. We forget our full potential. We forget to relax in what is always here.

Awareness meditation guides us back in our natural state of being. Before thought. Relaxed and aware we discover we already are, without effort. That doesn’t mean there are no thoughts, we just don’t elaborate, we can just leave everything as it is.

Meditation is about making a habit. Knowing we are always here for ourselves. In easy and in challenging times.

Mindfulness Meditation 

In this meditation we experience the different foundations we can use to be mindful in daily life. We can work with body sensations, the breath, sound etc.

Using a support / an anchor helps us to get less distracted. In this way we train the mind, like we train our muscles. Training our mind is in the traditional teachings compared to training an elephant. 

Relaxation Meditation 

Relaxation is the base of health. When we relax we open. In relaxation meditation we consciously relax to release tensions in body and mind relax. When we let go of our habitual efforts we come into a deep state of relaxation and awareness. In this guided meditation you make yourself comfortable, you listen to the voice & bring your awareness to feel different parts in the body, allowing them to relax & to rest deeply.

A part of this class can be seated, a part is lying down in savasana.  An optimal way to recharge from busy times, release tensions & feel your natural, energized, relaxed self again.

Loving Kindness Meditation 

Our nature is love. Meditation is the way to discover our nature. In this meditation we are guided to open our hearts to ourselves and beyond ourselves. In true communication with the innermost we expand our gratitude, our acceptance, our love to ourselves and our surroundings.

Bliss Meditation 

In this tantrayana meditation we are guided into feeling the sun & moon energies in your body.

We’ll visualise & feel  channels and chakras of our subtle body. In our body we work with the wind & fire energies (sun energy) so we can feel the flow of water (moon energy). As the elements work together harmoniously, we have a healthy warmth, and vital nutrients & hormones are spread.

Like this we energetically feel at home, happy and satisfied.